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Terms to Know Before Finding a Computer Dealer
If you are in the market for a desktop computer or laptop, you may find that many things about the industry have changed since you last purchased a personal computer. Familiarize yourself with the following terms in order to effectively communicate with the computer dealer and get the best value for your dollar:
 Processor: A computer's processor is perhaps one of the more important elements. Once known as the CPU, the processor does the important thinking for your device. A faster processor will have a larger GHz (gigahertz) number. Some processors come with double or quad cores, also increasing capabilities and speed.
RAM: The RAM of the computer is the memory tank for daily activities. In other words, the RAM is not where your computer stores your personal files, but the area utilized to multitask. The greater the RAM, the quicker your computer will be, and the more programs it will be able to manage simultaneously.
Hard Drive: The hard drive is where your files, videos, images, and music are stored. These are rated not only by size, or how much they can store, but also by speed, or how fast information can be accessed and processed.
Operating System: The operating system is the user interface of the computer. It is the software that allows you to access files and run programs. The two most common are Windows and Mac OS.
Video Card: If you use your computer for online gaming, graphic design, or video editing, you'll want a higher-end video card. There are also cards available that allow you to use more than one monitor at a time.

Read more: http://orlando-fl.yellowusa.com/computer_dealers.html#ixzz2GybkkVcR